One Goal, One Passion, Happy Cats!

"Two cats can live as cheaply as one, and their owner has twice as much fun..."

  Lloyd Alexander




Cat Articles & Stories

  • Car Keys and Cat-flaps - A spate of burglaries in England has prompted some unique advice to cat owners from the authorities. Police have commented upon two incidents in which...more
  • Train Your Cat to Love That Cat Bed - Does your cat sleep in the bed you bought him? Or does he prefer the ironing pile, the airing cupboard or, in fact, any place other than where he is s...more
  • It's a Cats Life - A Canadian man has left a fortune to his beloved cat in his will. 79-year-old Batchelor David Harper made his fortune by working hard and living fruga...more
  • Cat reaches 100, gets telegram from Queen - A cat in windemere, Cumbria, England, has received an honour that no other cat has ever received - a telegram from the Queen!...more
  • What's it Like to Own a Cloned Cat? - Unless you've been living on another planet for the last decade, you'll have heard something about the controversy surrounding the long predicted and ...more

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Cat Video Gallery

Just like a giant version of the 'There's Something Under The Duvet' game

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