What Type of Cat Food is Really
Best For Your Cat?

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By Ryan Joseph

Which cat food should you feed your cat to be certain that he or she will have the proper nutrition? What is the best mix of food to assist your cat in living to the limit of it's life span?

Let's examine the diet of a cat in it's natural environment. In the wild, a cat will eat almost entirely animal tissue. But they would generally eat the entire body of the animal, including it's stomach contents, which has a variety of nutrients which are lacking in an animals muscle tissue, such as fiber.

Cat owners often wonder if fresh meat is actually the best food for cats? The answer is:not necessarily. Unfortunately, fresh meat will not provide a balanced diet for a cat, as they are very protein dense and quite low in vital nutrients like calcium. In fact, Mainstream commercial cat food might actually have more nutrients in many respects.

Some cat owners have also asked if it's alright to feed their cat a completely vegetarian diet. The answer to that question is simply no. Cats just can't produce the required nutrients from a completely vegetarian food in the same way that humans can.

Being a specialized hunter, a cat has largely lost that ability during the course of evolution. Skin problems are sometimes the result of a deficiency in certain essential fatty acids which can be found in animal flesh alone. Another problem is that a deficiency of the amino acid taurine, which is a vital building block for proteins in the body. This deficiency may cause both blindness and heart failure! Cats are simply born carnivores and need protein-rich food.

Is it o.k. to give a cat only dry cat food? According to petshub, the answer is yes, providing that you ensure that fresh water is available at all times.

Dry food is generally more convenient, hygienic, and affordable than canned or fresh food. It also exercises the teeth and reduces the buildup of tartar, which can grow into a severe problem in cats that are fed a soft and mushy diet.

For more detail go to For more information go to Cat Food Information

About The Author

Ryan Joseph is a writer and researcher of pet health. For more info. go to http://www.premium-cat-food.com/

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