One Goal, One Passion, Happy Cats!

"Cats can work out mathematically the exact place to sit that will cause most inconvenience..."

  Pam Brown




Cat Articles & Stories

  • Clone of a Cat - Genetic Savings & Clone, Inc (financed by billionaire John Sperling, the Arizona entrepreneur who launched the for-profit University of Phoenix) succe...more
  • Purr and Cat Behaviour - We all know how upsetting it can be when your cat decides the sofa, the door frame or that one patch of carpet at the top of the stairs is the ideal p...more
  • HADJI THE CAPTIVE CAT - He was a wild cat, literally. And I went against all the rules of the time in my training of him and produced incredible, if not bizarre, results. Had...more
  • Feline Leukaemia Virus (FeLV) - FeLV is an acronym for Feline Leukaemia Virus, in addition to Leukaemia it also weakens the immune system, causes anaemia and causes certain kinds of ...more
  • Cats and their senses - A domestic cat is has much in common with its wild equivalent. For all human interference it is still basically designed as a fearsome predator and as...more

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Cat Video Gallery

Just like a giant version of the 'There's Something Under The Duvet' game

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