Grouse seeks mouser

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Bosses at the Famous Grouse distillery in Crieff, Perthshire are searching for a successor to Towser, the world record-breaking mouse catcher who sadly died recently.

Towser will be a hard act to follow, not only is he recorded as clocking up an impressive 30,000 mice in his long and distinguished 24 year career, Towser is also in the Guinness book of records as the worlds most prolific feline mouse catcher.

"The story goes that Towser's incredible mousing prowess was the result of a tiny nip being added to his milk each night, but we don't have any scientific proof to back this up and we certainly wouldn't advise this to anyone whose cat is under-performing in terms of vermin control" said Carol McLaren, spokeswoman for the distillery.

A statue has been erected in the grounds of the distillery, which attracts over 120,000 visitors per year, and the company have asked Cat Protection to help them find his replacement.

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