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"You can keep a dog; but it is the cat who keeps people, because cats find humans useful domestic animals..."
George Mikes
Cat Articles & Stories
Top Toys That Your Cat Will Have A Ball With - Cats need to play, no mater how young or how old they are, they need to have some toys in order to stay entertained. Cats love all kinds of different ...more
Tango and the boy who fell down the well - Tango is a large and very regal ginger tomcat that can often be found teaching the scratching post a lesson it will never forget. If it weren't for hi...more
Maine Coon Cats: Maine's Gift to Cat Lovers - Maine coon cats are an American classic, a contribution to our history and culture that only Maine could provide. This hardy, handsome breed of domest...more
Cat insurance - There are a lot of things that can happen to your cat as it gets older - from injuries to illnesses. For that reason, many cat owners have found it wo...more