An American Cat in France

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Emily the cat got the chance to accumulate some Air-Miles last month when she stowed away on a transatlantic boat ride to France, as Continental Airlines have agreed to fly Emily back to the USA.

Continental was one of many businesses and people who offered to help, "It looks like we will be reuniting Emily with her family," said Courtney Wilcox, of Continental Airlines.

The one year-old tabby disappeared from her home with Lesley and Donny McElhiney in Appleton Wisconsin in late September. A month later, workers at Raflatac, a laminating company in Nancy, France, found her 'thin and thirsty, in a container of paper bales'.

Investigation reveals the most likely scenario for the international adventure. Starting with a hunt at the distribution centre of a local paper company in Appleton. It seems Emily found her way into the paper bales for a sleep at which point the bales were put in a container and taken by truck to Chicago. Then they went by boat to Belgium and from there to France.

Luckily for Emily she was wearing tags. Not only do the French authorities usually put unidentified animals to sleep, but the tags also allowed her to be traced back to her vet.

Emily is expected to be back with her family in plenty of time before Christmas.

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