" Hi just to let you know I recieved the purr drops this afternoon. It seems to be working a treat already. My 3 cats are going wild over the drops. I will definetely be after some more when this bottle is finished. Thanks.
Steff "
Steff G, Guernsey
"... just to say how brilliant me and my cats think purr is! no doubt that i will be ordering some more again when this bottle gets low! thank you!!!!! "
Anna P, Berkshire
"...Purr arrived today.. many thanks. Couldn't wait to try it & WOW.. Both my
cats went sooooooooo loopy. You are right.. much more potent than catnip. I
laughed so much I ached & gave myself headache! They went beserk running all
over & vertually flying 3 foot in the air. Like you say, old toys were
revived.. had to try that one! One ran round the room within a paper bag and
knocked her water over.. balls were maniclly manuovered you'd have thought
they were David Beckam! Tilly kept pawing a toy then running away from it
round the room only to pounce again. More more! Have let them sleep for a
while but feel the need to add a few more drops LOL! Have already
recommended it to others. How can 'they' miss out on the fun?
Many thanks once again... will be ordering again."
Sue H, Huddersfield

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1 x 10ml Bottle : £3.99
